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The "Playroom"

Welcome To The Playroom...


... Okay, the storage room... Okay Okay, the secret room we use to dump, what can only be described as, USELESS CR*P so the rest of the house looks neater!!

With three children sharing a bedroom (future blog post), a baby on the way and my two step children visiting regularly, it's about time I turned this skip into a room just for them to have as their personal space. An "Adult Free Zone" if you will.

BUT WHERE DO I START?!?!?!?!?! - The question I've been asking myself for months.

I've started by creating a Pinterest Board (link coming soon) to help me visualise how the room could look if I actually bothered sorting it out.

Okay, now I know how I want it to look, what now? Well, as I have so much to do everyday, it's virtually impossible to dedicate a whole day or weekend to sort it. Instead, I've given myself a deadline of christmas to have it sorted - 60 days! I will go in everyday for 10-15 minutes to organise it into different piles - chuck, donate, sell, store. I'm hoping this will be enough to have it done in time.

I will keep you updated along the way so keep an eye out for new posts.

I'm going in, Wish me luck!

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